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Event Date: 
سبت, 01/03/2014 - 20:00

مسرحية اربع نساء - הצגת ארבע נשים - Four Womens Show


The Show "story" about four womens in the middle of london:


Feesh, from the Upper class, Lawyer in her profession, although she's mess in her personal life.


Fay, is the kind one that came to the Big city, she suffer from Disturbance in her eating because of her Difficult past.


Stass, Aspires to join the world of academia to study marine biology in Hawaii and saves every pound in order to achieve her dream.


Dozah, Educated Housewife, her life turned upside down resule to shock after her husband leaves her.


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Places Nearby Four Womens Show

Four Womens Show

Location Information

5070 1 nazareth
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