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5070 1 nazareth
Together we recall the Great Palestinian poet That we lost and still with us every day, Mahmoud Darwish, was born in this day March 13, At this day The Palestinian Ministry of Culture declare it as an official National Culture day.   Together we...
5070 1 nazareth
For the fourth year in a row, With the participation of a number of Women's poets, International Women's Day, The eighth of March, On the struggle for women's rights and attendance.   This year the festival is held in memory of Womens Palestinian...
5070 1 nazareth
مسرحية اربع نساء - הצגת ארבע נשים - Four Womens Show   The Show "story" about four womens in the middle of london:   Feesh, from the Upper class, Lawyer in her profession, although she's mess in her personal life.   Fay, is the kind one that came to...