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6140 26-38 Nazareth
The Maronite church was built in the west neighborhood of Nazareth named "Spring Neighborhood" next to the Mensa-Christi Church.  Its believed that the Maronites are the oldest Christians residing Nazareth back in the year of 1630.   They arrived...
6160 1 Nazareth
The Protestant-Anglican church is located in the town of Nazareth. The church lies next to the famous Church of the Annunciation. The church was built and constructed in 1871, in the shape of a cross.This church was pledged by King Edward VII, to...
6126 26-40 nazareth
Not Available
Mensa Christi Church is located next to the Maronite Church along side to a spring in the so-called "Spring Neighborhood".It is believed that Jesus and his disciples used to dine in the "Mensa-Christi" church.The name "Albalata Church" in Arabic, as...
5079 6 Nazareth
This fascinating project, relives the ways of everyday life in the village of Nazareth 2000 years ago, in the time of Jesus. It is a reconstruction of ancient Nazareth where Jesus grew up.The combination of archaeological discoveries and the...
St. Joseph's Church, Nazareth
Saint Joseph's Church is a Franciscan Roman Catholic church in the Old City of Nazareth. It was built in 1914 over the remains of much older churches. It is located close to the Church of the Basilica of the Annunciation.According to traditions, The...
Greek Catholic Church, Nazareth
Synagogue Church is a small Christian church in the heart of Nazareth known by this name because above its doorway is an embedded sign: "the synagogue." The structure is currently controlled by the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. Its floor is sunken...
Paulus HaShishi 133 Nazareth
Not Available
Mary’s Well is found just below the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation in modern-day Nazareth.The well was positioned over an underground spring that served for centuries as a local watering hole for the Arab villagers.The well was renovated...
6133 12 Nazareth
The white mosque is located at the Center of Nazareth Old Market. It is the oldest mosque in the city. The first part of the structure was built in the year 1785 and construction was completed in the year 1812. Its name symbolizes purity, light and...
Salesian Church, Nazareth
One of the largest and most beautiful churches in Nazareth located on the highest hill on the west of the city and visible from afar, this church is a great beginning point for city tour going all the way down to the Market and the city center. The...
55 Al-Bishara St
Greek-Orthodox Church is located over an underground spring from which Virgin Mary is believed to have been used to draw water when she was announced that she will have the son of God by Gabriel the archangel. At the beginning of the 17th century,...