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The caves are the centre point of ancient Nazareth and the gateway to an underground city yet to be excavated.

Ancient Nazarenes built this underground city to escape being captured by Roman soldiers.

Sometime after, the caves were discovered and sealed.

Now, the caves have been rediscovered and have given us clear evidence that Nazareth was always an underground city before and long after the birth of Jesus.

In fact, the synagogue-turned-Christian-alter might well be the first church of all time.

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Holy Caves of Nazareth

Check Holy Caves of Nazareth on TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
Holy Caves of Nazareth Rank #9 of 24 | Type: Historic Sites
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Excellent: 30
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Reviews from our community
"moving experience"
Image with no description 08 March 2020
The church above it was closed and a women tried to chase us away but didn’t speak any English. Luckily we saw a small sign in Russian before we exited the premises and entered the caves. Entry fee...
"a child was born here"
Image with no description 02 July 2019
In this right place was the first days of Jesus. It is a rememberance of a new chapter of humanity started with Him: the GRACE came down to Earth for All of us.
"You Could Walk By This And Not Know"
Image with no description 24 April 2019
The caves are there in plane sight but if you didn't have a guide with you or some knowlege of the place you would walk right by this and thing nothing of it. It was explained to us about how the...
Location Information
6089 St 21, Nazareth
10:00am - 4:00pm